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Meet Adam: The Robot Bartender/Barista Available for Hire


Updated: Dec 22, 2023

Meet Your New Best Friend, Adam, the Robotic Bartender/Barista!

Adam is a fully automated barista/bartender equipped with a solid base and two automatic robotic modules or (ARM's)
Adam (media by Richtech Robotics)

I mentioned enjoying expensive cocktails at home in a previous article by becoming the bartender. This involved a device you stocked with liquor, pushed a few buttons, and made the perfect cocktail.

What if you could take this further and have your bartender on call? Richtech Robotics wants you to realize this possibility with one of their newest innovations, named Adam. Adam has an Intel artificial intelligence depth sensor camera and a speaker to interact with your guests or customers. Make a note of the blue LED horizontal strip in the eye area. As Adam converses with the audience, this led set-up will sync in unison with audio playback.

Adam is at home in a fully stocked bar and ready to serve you.
ADAM (media by Richtech Robotics)

It has two automatic robotic modules (ARM) robots also made by Richtech. These modules can be programmed to learn and perform repeatable tasks. While these ARM units can be purchased separately to conduct individual programmed tasks, Richtech attached two of these “ARMS” to ADAM. Now you have a fully functional bartender or barista.

A view of the automatic robotic module of which two of these comprise Adam.
ARM (media by Richtech Robotics)

Introduced at the Vegas CES show earlier this year, ADAM is geared for commercial settings and thoroughly designed to run 24/7. What better place to introduce such a unit than in Las Vegas, Nevada, a place that never seems to sleep! Expect to see more of Adam, the robotic bartender/barista and the like as technology evolves. The future is now!

Adam performing typical barista tasks in a video.
Adam the Barista (media by JC)

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