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Introducing Sustainable SolarBotanic Trees

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

Sustainable Charging Comes in the Form of Solar Trees

Two SolarBotanic trees in the vicinity of an electric car.
Solar Tree (media by SolarBotanic Trees

Electric vehicles (EVs) have many environmental benefits, but their increased use raises a crucial problem: how to power them sustainably. Enter SolarBotanic Trees. This London-based company has designed a solution that seamlessly integrates with the urban landscape and offers a sustainable future for EV charging stations. This post explores the benefits of these beautiful and innovative solar trees.

Before I jump into the Solar Tree, I thought it best to point out they are taking a page out of another company’s playbook:

SolarBotanic Trees have been designed to complement any urban environment. As the Smartflower looks like a sunflower, the SolarBotanic Trees resemble trees made of materials so they can blend seamlessly into parks, parking lots, and other public areas. These solar trees can transform a once-empty field or a dreary parking lot into a beautiful space, providing clean and renewable energy and adding value to the surrounding community.

A SolarBotanic charging lot with multiple trees and many vehicles.
Solar Tree Charging (media by SolarBotanic Trees)

Each solar tree has panels that harness the sun's energy to power electric vehicles. Unlike traditional charging stations, the trees are designed to be self-sufficient, meaning they don’t need a connection to the grid. With a storage capacity of 5 kWh, they can provide significant energy. The solar tree is a perfect solution for those wanting to get the most out of their EVs without relying on fossil fuels.

The unique feature of SolarBotanic Trees is that they were created with the environment in mind. They are made of materials that make them eco-friendly and recyclable. These materials help give the tree its appearance while at the same time ensuring its durability in harsh weather conditions.

A view of a residential home with a SolarBotanic tree located in the front yard.
Residential (media by SolarBotanic Trees)

Apart from the aesthetic and environmental benefits, there are also financial benefits that come with using SolarBotanic Trees. Since the trees are self-sufficient, they eliminate the need for expensive and time-consuming infrastructure upgrades. This can translate into significant savings, making EV charging more accessible to everyone who needs it. As the demand for EVs increases, installing solar trees may also increase tourism and local businesses, which can stimulate the economy.

A view of a charging electric car in the midst of a few SolarBotanic solar trees.
Charging (media by SolarBotanic Trees)

Conclusion: As the world becomes more aware of the importance of sustainability, businesses like SolarBotanic Trees show how possible eco-friendliness is. With companies like this, the future of electric mobility looks brighter than ever. SolarBotanic Trees demonstrate how beautiful design and environmental responsibility can go hand in hand to beautify and optimize any urban landscape. This new technology could positively impact how we recharge electric vehicles and pave the way for a cleaner and more sustainable future for all.

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