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The Quantino twentyfive Electric Car Needs No Battery!


Another Innovative Electric Vehicle

A side view of the Quantino twentyfive out on the open road.
twentyfive (media by nanoFlowcell)

We’ve all heard of electric vehicles, but have you heard of an EV that doesn’t need a battery? London-based nanoFlowcell Holdings plc (NFC) has set up a US subsidiary in New York called nanoFlowcell USA LLC, which aims to sell the Quantino twentyfive, an electric sports car without a battery. Let’s look at what makes this EV unique and how it works.

An overall view of the Quantino twentyfive battery-less automobile.
twentyfive (media by nanoFlowcell)

How the Quantino TwentyFive Works The Quantino twentyfive uses nano-structured bi-ION molecules from seawater or industrial water waste instead of batteries. This biofuel is stored in six cells that hold 33 gallons of fuel and power four low-voltage 60 kW electric motors. The efficiency of the fuel is comparable to that of modern lithium-ion batteries, with no emissions or noise pollution. The biofuel is non-toxic, non-flammable, and non-hazardous.

A close-up view of the refueling wand for the biofuel needed to run the twentyfive.
Refuel Time (media by nanoFlowcell)

A compact electrolytic capacitor initially powers up the low voltage nanoFlowcell® 48VOLT E-drive. Before the nanoFlowcell® then takes over the job of supplying energy to the four low-voltage e-motors and the 48-volt on-board electronics. The promise of 2000 km (1243 miles) of range is even more impressive.

A view of the twentyfive's sylish interior.
Interior (media by nanoFlowcell)

What Makes This EV Different? The idea behind the Quantino twentyfive isn’t necessarily revolutionary; after all, EVs have been around since the 19th century and are becoming more popular. What makes this EV different is its approach to energy storage and use. By replacing traditional batteries with bi-ION molecules, NFC has eliminated one of the greatest challenges faced by today’s EVs — which is finding ways to store energy efficiently and safely. And since these molecules can be produced from seawater or industrial water waste, there’s no need for expensive recharging systems. Instead, drivers can simply refill their tanks when needed, just like filling up any other vehicle at the gas station.

A video of the twentyfive out on the open road
Open Road (media by nanFlowcell)

Conclusion: The arrival of another EV brand may not be too surprising these days, but nanoFlowcell is certainly worth taking a closer look at due to its unique approach to EV batteries and energy storage solutions. By replacing traditional batteries with bi-ION molecules from seawater or industrial water waste, nanoFlowcell has managed to eliminate one of the greatest challenges faced by today’s EVs — which is finding ways to store energy efficiently and safely — while still achieving impressive levels of efficiency comparable to that of modern lithium-ion batteries with zero emissions or noise pollution. For any early adopters or luxury enthusiasts out there looking for something different than your typical EV, NFC’s Quantino twentyfive might just be worth keeping an eye on!

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